Addy is a twin that was born at 30 weeks old weighing 2lbs 11oz with bilateral clubfoot. She spent 8 weeks in the NICU due to prematurity before coming home 2 weeks before her due date. At 39 weeks gestation Addy started her treatment journey at McMaster Hospital in...
Our sweet baby Owen was born with bilateral Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (Clubfoot). I write this to help bring awareness to Clubfoot. I don’t write this to scare anyone, especially someone going thru this with their clubfoot cuties, but to let others know that...
Standing on a wedge: It is important in our clubfoot kiddos to keep our ankle range of motion! A great way to work on stretching the muscle functionally at the end range is standing on a wedge! It's a great way to put weight through the ankle joint in the position we...
Clubfoot kiddos can always benefit from physiotherapy and exercises in order to: - built foot and ankle strength - keep a good range of motion at the ankle - develop gross motor skills and coordination - improve balance - strengthen big muscles in the hips and leg to...
Many families are probably quite familiar with stretches for their clubfoot cuties. has videos demonstrating clubfoot stretches under “Resources” for further guidance. When you are holding a stretch for your child, physiotherapists refer to this as...
There are many great equipment and toy options available for fun and functional play for growing clubfoot cuties! It can be overwhelming deciding what to pick and choose. At our KPG (Kids Physio Group) clinic we have a wide variety of toys, games and equipment I use...
Mūsų šleivapėdystė buvo beveik šešių mėnesių amžiaus, kai ji apsirengė batus ir batus. Addisonas turėjo augantį tvirtą kūną, bet stambias, mažytes pėdas. Nekantriai laukėme, kol bus nuimtas paskutinis jos gipsas, kad persikeltume į Mitchell batus. Kol šeimoms suteikiama...
Kaip ir dauguma šleivapėdystę turinčių tėvų, aš praleidau daugybę valandų nemiegodamas naktimis nerimuodamas dėl to, kaip vėluoja mano dvišalė šleivapėdystė dukters stambiosios motorikos vystymasis. Kiek laiko užtruks mano dukra šliaužioti, vaikščioti ar bėgioti? Ar ji sugebėtų ją vytis...
TOOB (Tsawwasseno senųjų bastardų ordinas) neseniai paaukojo $3 000 Kanados klubo pėdų paramos draugijai ir jos įkūrimui, minint Pasaulinę klubo pėdų dieną, kuri buvo minima birželio mėnesį. 3. Kanados šleivapėdystės paramos draugija yra nauja...