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Move for Clubfoot
World Clubfoot Day is June 3. Approximately, 1 in 1000 children around the world are born with Clubfoot every year that is between 150,000 – 200,000 children a year. We want to make sure that every child has access to appropriate treatment by the Ponseti Method, accurate information and support during their long journey.
Although this is one of the most common birth deformities in children, it is not well known or understood by the public. This is because clubfoot is treated mostly while the child is at home. After the initial couple months of casting and the tenotomy (cutting the achilles tendon), the family with the majority of responsibility for the correction of the child’s feet by adhering to a strict schedule for bracing, monitoring for changes and wounds and many follow up appointment.
There is still a lot of stigma attached to Clubfoot and there is 2 million children around the world that have untreated clubfoot, leading to severe disability. Untreated or mistreated clubfoot can happens worldwide, and we want to help prevent that, starting in Canada.
Challenge your friends, family, colleagues to move their body during the month of June in support of Clubfoot and raise money for Canadian Clubfoot Support Society. Set your own personal or team goal for the month and have people sponsor you to complete it! Share it on facebook and lets compete to see who can raise the most!
Countdown to Event